
We construct randomized entangled mixed states by using the formalism of phase states for d-dimensional systems (qudits). The randomized entangled mixed states are a special kind of mixed states that exhibit genuine multipartite correlation. Such states are obtained by the application of randomized entangling operators to an arbitrary pair of qudits of a multiqudit system. The study of the entanglement of randomized mixed states is of great importance in quantum computation since any experimental implementation of entangled states in a realistic environment can be made by imperfect entangling gates. We give a brief review of some necessary background about unitary phase operators and phase states of a multi-qudit system. Evolved density matrices arise when qudits of the multi-qudit system interact via a Hamiltonian of Heisenberg type. The randomized entangled states associated with evolved density matrices are derived via the action of an entangling operator on a pair of two qudits {i, j} of the multi-qudit system with some probability p. The randomized entangled mixed states for bipartite, tripartite and multipartite systems are explicitly expressed and their Kraus decomposition properties are discussed.

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