
An interventional randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Vrisha Ghrita on Tamaka Swasa (with special reference to bronchial Asthma) with plain Ghrita as control in children aged up to 12 years. Vrisha Ghrita was giv en internally in a divided dos e of 5 - 15ml twice daily along with honey according to the age for a period of 3 months during attack free int ervals. The idea behind trial was to improve the immunological compliance of the child and to conquer recurrent asthma. A total number of 26 children attending OPD (Out patient department) section of the hospital participated in the study. Analysis of the data was done using clinical parameters, routine hematolog y wi th AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) , selected immunoglobulin assay, lung function tests, measures of morbidity and asthma and quality of life questionnaire. The assessment reported that effects of Vrisha Ghrita were significant in combating the clinical man ifestations of Tamaka Swasa ( p <0.01), reducing morbidity episodes, school absenteeism, number of unsc heduled visits to doctors (all p <0.01). All these point suggests that the trial drug is highly effective in controlling recurrent episodes of asthma and re spiratory tract infections. However, the results were statistically not significant with respect to h a ematology, immunoglobulin assay and pulmonary function tests. Risks of side effects were minimal in both the groups. The stud y was effective in curtailing the conventionally used bronchodilators and antibiotic therapies in children. Keyw ords: Efficacy Trial, Asthma, Tamaka Swasa , Vrisha Ghrita , Ayurvedic medicine.

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