
The equation governing the polar motion shows that the polar secular drift and the Chandler wobble amplitude are related to each other. In particular, a drift of the mean pole position comes out as a consequence of the maintenance of the Chandler wobble by possible step perturbations of the Earth's inertia tensor. The minimum excitation functions necessary to explain the Chandler wobble amplitude variations for the period 1901—84 are derived from the Chandler term, with the hypothesis that the excitations follow a uniform random distribution in time. It is shown that they have the statistical properties of the steps of a two-dimensional random walk. These functions are then used to derive, from a statistical simulation, a lower limit of the secular drift which may result from the excitation of the Chandler wobble. The drift generated by the random walk is of the same order of magnitude as the observed secular drift for the period 1901—84, but their time dependence is different. This indicates that the observed secular drift cannot be explained as the consequence of an excitation of the Chandler wobble by random steps of the Earth's inertia tensor. However, the possible contribution of the Chandler wobble excitation to the polar drift has to be taken into account when other mechanisms, such as lithospheric rebound related to deglaciation, are proposed.

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