
We present a rough estimation-up to four significant digits, based on the scaling hypothesis and the probability of belonging to the largest cluster vs the occupation probability-of the critical occupation probabilities for the random site percolation problem on a honeycomb lattice with complex neighborhoods containing sites up to the fifth coordination zone. There are 31 such neighborhoods with a radius ranging from one to three and containing 3-24 sites. For two-dimensional regular lattices with compact extended-range neighborhoods, in the limit of the large number z of sites in the neighborhoods, the site percolation thresholds p follow the dependency p ∝ 1 / z, as recently shown by Xun et al. [Phys. Rev. E 105, 024105 (2022)]. On the contrary, non-compact neighborhoods (with holes) destroy this dependence due to the degeneracy of the percolation threshold (several values of p corresponding to the same number z of sites in the neighborhoods). An example of a single-value index ζ = ∑ i z r-where z and r are the number of sites and radius of the ith coordination zone, respectively-characterizing the neighborhood and allowing avoiding the above-mentioned degeneracy is presented. The percolation threshold obtained follows the inverse square root dependence p ∝ 1 / ζ. The functions boundaries() (written in C) for basic neighborhoods (for the unique coordination zone) for the Newman and Ziff algorithm [Phys. Rev. E 64, 016706 (2001)] are also presented. The latter may be useful for computer physicists dealing with solid-state physics and interdisciplinary statistical physics applications, where the honeycomb lattice is the underlying network topology.

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