
Random sequential adsorption of linear and square particles with excluded volume interaction is studied numerically on planar lattices considering Gaussian distributions of lateral sizes of the incident particles, with several values of the average μ and of the width-to-average ratio w. When the coverage θ is plotted as function of the logarithm of time t, the maximum slope is attained at a time t_{M} of the same order of the time τ of incidence of one monolayer, which is related to the molecular flux and/or sticking coefficients. For various μ and w, we obtain 1.5τ<t_{M}<5τ for linear particles and 0.3τ<t_{M}<τ for square particles. At t_{M}, the coverages with linear and square particles are near 0.3 and 0.2, respectively. Extrapolations show that coverages may vary with μ up to 20% and 2% for linear and square particles, respectively, for μ≥64, fixed time, and constant w. All θ vs logt plots have approximately the same shape, but other quantities measured at times of order t_{M} help to distinguish narrow and broad incident distributions. The adsorbed particle-size distributions are close to the incident ones up to long times for small w, but appreciably change in time for larger w, acquiring a monotonically decreasing shape for w=1/2 at times of order 100τ. At t_{M}, incident and adsorbed distributions are approximately the same for w≤1/8 and show significant differences for w≥1/2; this result may be used as a consistency test in applications of the model. The pair correlation function g(r,t) for w≤1/8 has a well defined oscillatory structure at 10t_{M}, with a minimum at r≈μ and maximum at r≈1.5μ, but this structure is not observed for w≥1/4.

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