
Large graphs are sometimes studied through their degree sequences (power law or regular graphs). We study graphs that are uniformly chosen with a given degree sequence. Under mild conditions, it is shown that sequences of such graphs have graph limits in the sense of Lov\'{a}sz and Szegedy with identifiable limits. This allows simple determination of other features such as the number of triangles. The argument proceeds by studying a natural exponential model having the degree sequence as a sufficient statistic. The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the parameters is shown to be unique and consistent with high probability. Thus $n$ parameters can be consistently estimated based on a sample of size one. A fast, provably convergent, algorithm for the MLE is derived. These ingredients combine to prove the graph limit theorem. Along the way, a continuous version of the Erd\H{o}s--Gallai characterization of degree sequences is derived.

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