
Random Forests are considered for classification of multisource remote sensing and geographic data. Various ensemble classification methods have been proposed in recent years. These methods have been proven to improve classification accuracy considerably. The most widely used ensemble methods are boosting and bagging. Boosting is based on sample re-weighting but bagging uses bootstrapping. The Random Forest classifier uses bagging, or bootstrap aggregating, to form an ensemble of classification and regression tree (CART)-like classifiers. In addition, it searches only a random subset of the variables for a split at each CART node, in order to minimize the correlation between the classifiers in the ensemble. This method is not sensitive to noise or overtraining, as the resampling is not based on weighting. Furthermore, it is computationally much lighter than methods based on boosting and somewhat lighter than simple bagging. In the paper, the use of the Random Forest classifier for land cover classification is explored. We compare the accuracy of the Random Forest classifier to other better-known ensemble methods on multisource remote sensing and geographic data.

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