
This paper investigates the long-time behavior of a stochastic strongly damped wave equation with additive noise on $\mathbb{R}$<sup><i>N</i></sup>. We establish that there exists a unique pullback random attractor for the equation in natural space $\mathcal{H}=H^1(\mathbb{R}^{N})\times L^2(\mathbb{R}^{N})$ with the nonlinearity <i>g</i>(<i>x</i>,<i>u</i>) being of optimal subcritical growth <i>p</i>: 1≤<i>p</i><<i>p</i><sup>*</sup> ≡ <i>N</i>+2/(<i>N</i>-2)(<i>N</i> ≥ 3). In addition, we get the upper semicontinuity of the pullback random attractor as the intensity of noise goes to zero.

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