
A ligning a rancher’s business plan goals with the capability of the ranch’s rangeland resources improves the viability and sustainability of family ranches. Strategically monitoring the condition of soil, water, vegetation, wildlife, livestock production, and economics helps inform business plan goals. Business plan- ning and resource monitoring help keep ranchers on the land, support the well-being of rangeland-dependent communities, and conserve the rural way of life. To work toward this goal, the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable (SRR) i , Wyoming Business Council ( WBC), Wyoming State Grazing Board (WSGB), University of Wyoming Extension, Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI), Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and several ranchers formed the SRR Ranch Sustainability Assessment Group. The working group focuses on implementing a monitoring framework for eco- logical, economic, and social sustainability within the con- text of ranchers’ business plans... DOI: 10.2458/azu_rangelands_v34i1_m aczko

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