
Dermatoglyphic has been widely applied to recognize a person's identity, because people basically have something unique or characteristic possessed only by themselves. This raises the idea of making it a unique identity. This is useful for employees presence applications, especially at Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Palu which is still doing manual presence. This system provides the division of labor time and wereable to detect the fingerprints of employees using a fingerprint scanner. The system was made in several stages of the input fingerprint image, binarization fingerprint image, fingerprint image quality improvement, and matching fingerprint image. Improvements to the quality of the fingerprint image consists of the surgical process of mathematical morphology opening and erosion. The detection process of the fingerprint image used euclidean distance measurement points minutiae. The test results indicate that the presence system accuracy using euclidean distance measurement could detect the fingerprint image by 89% from 20 fingerprint data with 5 times testing for each data.

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