
Utilization of synchronous generators on micro-hydro Power plant (PLTMH) need direct monitoring with some parameters such as voltage and current. From the results of the monitoring, the information can be obtained whether the synchronous generator installation is appropriate and produce the expected output power.
 In some studies, the results of current and voltage measurements are still done by manual use of multimeter, so that the data obtained can not be recorded continuously. The purpose of this research is to create a monitoring system on synchronous generators using arduino-based data logger. Monitoring system using data logger is equipped with timing system.
 Based on the research that has been done can be concluded that the monitoring system on synchronous generators using arduino-based data logger can record current, voltage, and power in real time resulting from generator performance and then record or save the data into the form of CSV file (comma separated values) every 2 seconds into the micro SD and the data can be displayed through Microsoft Office software namely Microsoft Excel.


  • In some studies, the results of current and voltage measurements are still done by manual use of multimeter, so that the data obtained can not be recorded continuously

  • Based on the research that has been done can be concluded that the monitoring system on synchronous generators using arduino-based data logger can record current, voltage, and power in real time resulting from generator performance and record or save the data into the form of CSV file every 2 seconds into the micro SD and the data can be displayed through Microsoft Office software namely Microsoft Excel

  • “Sistem monitoring pada panel surya menggunakan data logger berbasis ATmega 328 dan real time clock DS1307”

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Kebutuhan di zaman modern ini, memicu para pengembang dan peneliti pembangkit listrik energi baru terbarukan (EBT) membuat sebuah alat pengontrol keseimbangan beban yang dapat mengatasi perubahan daya utama pada generator, misalnya, penggunaan generator sinkron pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Micro-Hidro (PLTMH) yang dilengkapi alat pengontrol beban. Pengembangan alat tersebut belum maksimal dalam menganalisis proses kinerja generator sinkron jika terjadi pengurangan atau penambahan beban peralatan elektronik. Alat pengontrol keseimbangan beban pada generator sinkron perlu dilengkapi sistem monitoring menggunakan data logger. Permasalahan utama alat pengontrol keseimbangan beban pada generator sinkron adalah kurangnya pemantauan atau sistem monitoring. Terjadi gangguan atau ketidakstabilan arus dan tegangan pada generator akibat perubahan daya beban utama. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah menambahkan sistem monitoring menggunakan data logger yang bisa memudahkan peneliti atau pengembang untuk mengambil data dan menganalisis jika terjadi gangguan.

Data Logger
Arduino Uno
Bahan dan Alat
Diagram alir sistem data logger
Grafik hasil pengukuran data logger terkontrol
Full Text
Paper version not known

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