
The development of the Animal Care Service Administration Information System is a data input system for Owners, Cats, Types of Packages. Owner data input system includes Owner's Name, Address, and Telephone Number. The cat input system includes Cat Name, Gender, Description, Weight, and Veterinarian Recommendation. The Package Type input system includes Package Type, Price, and Package Description. The purpose of the Veterinary Service Administration system is to facilitate the data management of the Animal Care Service Administration. The development of this system uses the system development life cycle method. The method includes several stages of the process, namely the system planning stage, the system analysis stage, the system design stage, the system implementation stage, the system evaluation stage, the system use and maintenance stage. The Animal Care Service Administration Information System is expected to facilitate the process of making officer reports so that they can produce accurate and effective data.


  • The development of the Animal Care Service Administration Information System is a data input system for Owners, Cats, Types of Packages

  • easier for animal owners to have easy access to information on animal care which can be easily accessed through the media website

  • The Animal Care Service Administration Information System is expected to facilitate the process of making officer reports

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Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Administrasi Jasa Penitipan Hewan Berbasis Web

Hesti Rian1)*), Jidan Altama Nugraha2) 1)2) Program Studi Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik LP3I Jakarta. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Jasa Penitipan Hewan ini merupakan suatu sistem input data Pemilik, Kucing, Jenis Paket. Sistem input data Pemilik meliputi Nama Pemilik, Alamat, dan No Telepon. Sistem input kucing meliputi Nama Kucing, Jenis Kelamin, Keterangan, Berat, dan Rekomendasi Dokter Hewan. Sistem input Jenis Paket meliputi, Jenis Paket, Harga, dan Keterangan Paket. Tujuan sistem Administrasi Jasa Penitipan Hewan adalah untuk mempermudah pengelola data Administrasi Jasa Penitipan Hewan dalam mengelompokkan data dan membuat laporan berkala dan juga mempermudah pemilik hewan mendapat kemudahan dalam mengakses info tempat penitipan hewan yang dengan mudah dapat diakses melalui media website. Sistem Informasi Administrasi Jasa Penitipan Hewan diharapkan dapat mempermudah proses pembuatan laporan Petugas sehingga dapat menghasilkan data yang akurat dan efektif dan juga mempermudah pemilik hewan untuk menemukan informasi dengan cepat untuk tempat penitipan hewan.

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