
CCSR is a non-governmental independent agency that synchronizes and integrates CSR Corporate work programs in Cilegon city with the Cilegon City Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD). CSR (Corporate Sense Responsibility) is a company's social responsibility to the environment. This research was conducted at CCSR in order to design prototype of digital records management system. The objective of the research is to prepare a digital document management system design that refers to the process of CSR fund disbursement by CCSR, thus helping CCSR to manage CSR activities effectively, efficiently and accountably. The prototype of the application is built on the development of dashboard design, using the OOAD (Object Oriented analysis and design) model and tested using ISO 9126 testing method. The result of this research is prototype of digital records management system developed into an integrated solution Document Management Systemand can help CCSR to manage they operation document.

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