
A company, majorly company that active in commercial (profit orientation) need to analyze their sales performance. By analyzing sales performance, company can increase their sales performance. One of method to analyze sales performance is by collecting historical data that relates to sales and then process that data so that produce information that show company sales performance. A data warehouse is a set of data that has characteristic subject oriented, time variant, integrated, and nonvolatile that help company management in processing of decision making. Design of data warehouse is started from collecting data that relate to sales such as product, customer, sales area, sales transaction, etc. After collecting the data, next is data extraction and transformation. Data extraction is a process f or selecting data that will be loaded into data warehouse. Data transformation is making some change to the data afte r extracted to be more consistent. After transformation processing, data are loaded into data warehouse. Data in data warehouse is processed by OLAP (On Line Analytical Processing) to produce information. Information that are produced from data processing by OLAP are chart and query reporting. Chart reporting are sales chart based on cement type, sales chart based on sales area, sales chart based on plant, monthly and year ly sales chart, and chart based on customer feedback. Query reporting are sales based on cement type, sales area, plant and customer. Keywords: Data warehouse; OLAP; Sales performance analysis; Ready mix market

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