
Java was born from a green project that runs for 18 months from early 1991 to 1992. The project, led by Patrick Naugton, Bill Joy, James Gosting, and nine other programmers from Sun Microsytem who initially created a small programming language to be applied to Electronic equipment. Means is everything that can be used as a tool / media in achieving something or purpose while Infrastructure is the main supporting tool of a process or an educational effort for the purpose of education can be achieved. So far, the recording of school facilities and infrastructure is still manual and the resulting data is still in the form of archives. So, there are still mistakes made during the recording of goods and data collection. Solutions offered from the problems that have been described previously is to build application design application management facilities and infrastructure using java programming language that can process data processing facilities and infrastructure that was originally done manually, is now computerized with computer-based information system (computer- based information System / CBIS) through the application, so that processes related to data processing facilities and infrastructure can be done more quickly, easily and accurately. With this application, all data facilities and infrastructure can be maintained and well integrated so that the effectiveness of work and time efficiency in data processing can be achieved. So that the data security system can be relied upon to avoid the manipulation of data facilities and infrastructure.

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