
Technology development has affected many areas of life, especially the entertainment field. One of the fastest growing entertainment industry is anime. Anime has evolved as a trend and a hobby, especially for the population in the regions of Asia. The number of anime fans grow every year and trying to dig up as much information about their favorite anime. Therefore, a chatbot application was developed in this study as anime information retrieval media using regular expression pattern matching method. This application is intended to facilitate the anime fans in searching for information about the anime they like. By using this application, user can gain a convenience and interactive anime data retrieval that can’t be found when searching for information via search engines. Chatbot application has successfully met the standards of information retrieval engine with a very good results, the value of 72% precision and 100% recall showing the harmonic mean of 83.7%. As the application of hedonic, chatbot already influencing Behavioral Intention to Use by 83% and Immersion by 82%.
 Index Terms—anime, chatbot, information retrieval, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Regular Expression Pattern Matching

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