
AbstractErdős asked if, for every pair of positive integers g and k, there exists a graph H having girth (H) = k and the property that every r-colouring of the edges of H yields a monochromatic cycle Ck. The existence of such graphs H was confirmed by the third author and Ruciński.We consider the related numerical problem of estimating the order of the smallest graph H with this property for given integers r and k. We show that there exists a graph H on R10k2; k15k3 vertices (where R = R(Ck; r) is the r-colour Ramsey number for the cycle Ck) having girth (H) = k and the Ramsey property that every r-colouring of the edges of H yields a monochromatic Ck Two related numerical problems regarding arithmetic progressions in subsets of the integers and cliques in graphs are also considered.

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