
Abstract One of the central questions in Ramsey theory asks how small the largest clique and independent set in a graph on N vertices can be. By the celebrated result of Erdős from 1947, a random graph on N vertices with edge probability $1/2$ contains no clique or independent set larger than $2\log _2 N$ , with high probability. Finding explicit constructions of graphs with similar Ramsey-type properties is a famous open problem. A natural approach is to construct such graphs using algebraic tools. Say that an r-uniform hypergraph $\mathcal {H}$ is algebraic of complexity $(n,d,m)$ if the vertices of $\mathcal {H}$ are elements of $\mathbb {F}^{n}$ for some field $\mathbb {F}$ , and there exist m polynomials $f_1,\dots ,f_m:(\mathbb {F}^{n})^{r}\rightarrow \mathbb {F}$ of degree at most d such that the edges of $\mathcal {H}$ are determined by the zero-patterns of $f_1,\dots ,f_m$ . The aim of this paper is to show that if an algebraic graph (or hypergraph) of complexity $(n,d,m)$ has good Ramsey properties, then at least one of the parameters $n,d,m$ must be large. In 2001, Rónyai, Babai and Ganapathy considered the bipartite variant of the Ramsey problem and proved that if G is an algebraic graph of complexity $(n,d,m)$ on N vertices, then either G or its complement contains a complete balanced bipartite graph of size $\Omega _{n,d,m}(N^{1/(n+1)})$ . We extend this result by showing that such G contains either a clique or an independent set of size $N^{\Omega (1/ndm)}$ and prove similar results for algebraic hypergraphs of constant complexity. We also obtain a polynomial regularity lemma for r-uniform algebraic hypergraphs that are defined by a single polynomial that might be of independent interest. Our proofs combine algebraic, geometric and combinatorial tools.

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