
Diasporic writing is an attempt to express the predicaments of immigrants as they land in an alien land. Migration both forced and voluntary resulted in the feelings of dislocation, alienation and confusion as they are made victims of discriminations based on race, culture, religion and language. Diasporic writers have attempted to express some of the inexplicable problems of immigrants. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni as a diasporic writer focuses on the trajectory of immigrants and the trauma of being in exile. Her novels explore the problems of settlement, fractured identity, immigrant experiences, and multi-cultural society, intergenerational and cross cultural conflicts and ramification of decisions from female protagonists. Ramification of decisions continues to shape literature in time immemorial. Serious decisions taken by characters develop the plot as well as make narration interesting. Decision making is actually a cognitive process that result in a selection of belief among other alternative possible actions. The consequences of decisions are to be focused because failing decisions may lead to complications, challenges that would turn someone’s life upside down. Divakaruni picturizes adventurous characters who always find possibilities to shine in their lives by breaking their shackles. Her characters would take venturesome decisions especially when they are in a complex situation. The author motivates her immigrant readers by projecting challenges to the characters and shows ways to overcome the situation. In her novel, Before We Visit the Goddess, three generations of women who take significant decisions that bring drastic change in their lives that result in their quest for identity. This paper highlights the gradual development of characters from stepping out from their homeland to facing challenges and establishing an identity in an alien land. This paper is an attempt to explore how the characters with ramifications of decisions, several distractions and different dreams, figure out their identity and continue to evolve.

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