
Efficient recovery of tritium from the exhaust gasses and controlling radioactivity caused by accidental tritium releases are pivotal aspects for licencing and safe operation of fusion-oriented research facilities and foreseen power plants. This paper presents the preliminary results of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Inspectability (RAMI) studies for the IFMIF-DONES detritiation system, where the component aging phenomena and imperfect preventive maintenance are jointly considered. For this purpose, a unified approach to modeling the time dependency of the component failure rates has been developed based on equipment reliability records retrieved from the Fusion Component Failure Rate Database (FCFRDB). The impact of preventive maintenance on the reliability and availability of the detritiation system has been investigated by considering various aging models combined with different efficiency of equipment restoration. The analysis confirmed the excellent reliability of the system under emergency conditions. However, the results for normal operating are close to the target values only for the highest-quality equipment with a failure rate below the 10th percentile and restoration factor above 80%.

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