
In order to study quantum effects such as state superposition and entanglement, one would like to construct simple systems for which the damping rates are slow relative to the rate of coherent evolution. One such system is strong-coupling cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), in which a single atom is coupled to a single mode of a high finesse optical cavity. In recent years, optical trapping techniques have been applied to the cavity QED system, allowing an individual atom to remain coupled to the cavity for long periods of time. For the purpose of future cavity QED experiments, one would like to gain as much control over the trapped atom as possible; in particular, one would like to cool the center of mass motion of the atom, to measure the magnetic field at the location of the atom, and to be able to prepare the atom in a given internal state. In the first part of this thesis, I present a scheme for driving Raman transitions inside the cavity that can be used to achieve these goals. After giving a detailed theoretical treatment of the Raman scheme, I describe how it can be implemented in the lab and discuss some preliminary experimental results. In the second part of this thesis, I present a number of simple field theory models. These models were developed in an attempt to understand some of the central ideas of theoretical physics by looking at how the ideas work in a highly simplified context. The hope is that by reducing the mathematical complexity of an actual theory, the underlying physical concepts can be more easily understood.

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