
The characterization of minerals and biogeological deposits in a terrestrial Arabian sabkha has a direct relevance for the exploration of Mars since the discovery by the NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity of evaporate minerals on Mars that could have arisen from aquifers and subsurface water movement. The recognition of carbonates and sulphates in Gusev Crater has afforded an additional impetus to these studies, as relict or extant microbial extremophilic organisms could have colonized these geological matrices, as has been recorded on Earth. Here, we describe the Raman spectroscopic analysis of specimens of evaporitic materials sampled from the Dukhan sabkha, the largest inland sabkha in the Persian Gulf. With daily temperatures reaching in excess of 60 degrees C and extreme salinity, we have identified the characteristic Raman signatures of key biomolecular compounds in association with evaporitic minerals and geological carbonate and sulphate matrices, which indicate that extremophilic cyanobacterial colonies are existent there. This evidence, the first to be acquired spectroscopically from such a region, establishes a platform for further studies using remote, portable Raman instrumentation that will inform the potential of detection of similar systems on the Martian surface or subsurface in future space missions. A comparison is made between the results from this study and the previous analysis of a gypsum/halite sabkha where the extremophilic molecular signatures were better preserved.

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