
Resonant Raman scattering (RRS) is a powerful method for studying the vibrational modes of the backbones of conjugated polymers. RRS occurs when the energy of the incident radiation coincides with that of an electronic excited state of the material from which the light is scattered. In the case of conjugated polymers,the origin of electronic excited states is the backbone π-electrons and vibrational modes,which coupled with this electronic state are enhanced by the RRS. The polymers that have been most thoroughly studied by RRS are polyacetylene (PA) and the polydiacetylenes (PDA) /1,2/. PA is discussed in detail in the following articles in this volume. Here we consider the polydiacetylenes and the connections that can be made between these highly-ordered polymers and less perfect materials such as PA.KeywordsElectronic Excited StateConjugation LengthVibronic LevelResonant Raman ScatteringPolymer Single CrystalThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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