
Raman-scattering spectra for partially filled skutterudite La xFe 3CoSb 12 ( x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8) at room temperature have been obtained. Six of nine modes in the partially filled skutterudites, La x Fe 3CoSb 12 ( x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), including the two Ag modes were identified. The lanthanum ions filling the voids cause a broadening of vibrational mode of the Sb 4 ring vibration mode in skutterudite. However, the degree of broadening decreases with the increase of the filling ratio. It can be concluded that the degree of `rattling' decreases with the increase in the filling ratio. The filling atoms make the Raman intensity of the stretching vibrational mode of the shorter Sb–Sb bond decrease a little, but enhance the lower energy mode intensity a lot, which is the stretching of the long Sb–Sb bond.

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