
We have used Raman scattering to study the lattice disorder created by the implantation of 1-MeV Si ions into GaAs. Using the change in the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon-line position as the signature for lattice damage, combined with chemical etching for controlled layer removal, we monitored the evolution of the disorder depth profile as a function of implantation dose. The shape of the depth profile of the disorder agrees with the theoretical simulation trim for doses of 1×1014 cm−2 or lower. For higher doses a saturation is observed in the amount of residual disorder. This saturation is a manifestation of dynamic annealing occurring during the high-energy implantations, which we attribute to enhanced defect mobility, induced by the transfer of energy to the lattice, in atomic collision cascade processes. In order to correlate the spectral features in the Raman spectra with structural changes in the ion-implanted samples, we characterized the implantation-induced lattice damage using ion-channeling and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements. The residual defects in the MeV-implanted samples are found to consist of dislocation loops and discrete point defects dispersed in an otherwise perfect (although probably strained) crystalline lattice. An average distance between defects was estimated from the channeling and TEM studies, and compared with the coherence-length parameter L used in the ‘‘spatial correlation model,’’ which is commonly used to interpret quantitatively the Raman spectra of ion-implanted materials. Although the model gives a good fit to our data in terms of the position and linewidth of the LO phonon peak, no clear correlation could be established between L and the interdefect separations. We also observed the appearance of the broadbands at about 70, 180, and 245 cm−1, in the Raman spectra, which are commonly attributed to amorphous GaAs, although no trace of amorphous material was detected by the TEM analysis. Our results indicate that the quantitative interpretation of Raman spectra to determine crystalline properties of ion-implanted materials, as well as the assignment of Raman spectral features to particular defect structures, is not unambiguously established yet.

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