
At room temperature, calcium tantalite (CaTa2O6) is known to exhibit three stable polymorphs, depending on the crystal growth conditions. In this work, the laser-heated pedestal growth method was used to obtain CaTa2O6 single crystal fibers in its quenched (ordered) cubic polymorph, attractive for optical applications. X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopy showed that the fibers grew into the centrosymmetrical Pm3 space group. The growth axis was determined as [001]. The cylindrical fibers (20 mm long and 400 μm wide) showed good optical quality, without cracks or striations, but with small facets, parallel to crystal edges or to in-plane edge bicetrices. A comprehensive set of the optical phonons for this cubic structure was obtained, consisting of 13 (of 16 foreseen) triply degenerate polar phonons, and all the 21 predicted Raman modes. By using special scattering geometries, the Raman bands were attributed to their corresponding irreducible representations. In general, the phono...

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