
Raman and i.r. spectra have been obtained for anhydrous Ca(NO 3) 2 at 298, 273, 195 and 77 K and for Cd(NO 3) 2 and Zn(NO 3) 2 at 298 and 77 K. The vibrational spectrum of Ca(NO 3) 2 at room temperature is in excellent agreement with a factor group analysis based on the T h 6 space group. Below room temperature, new bands appear which indicate that Ca(NO 3) 2 undergoes two phase changes between 77 and 298 K (Phase III ▪ Phase II ▪ Phase I). Anhydrous Cd(NO 3) 2 and Zn(NO 3) 2 do not appear to undergo phase changes between 77 and 298 K. The Raman spectra of Ca(NO 3) 2 (III), Ca(NO 3) 2 (II), Cd(NO 3) 2 (II) and Zn(NO 3) 2 suggest the presence of crystallographically non-equivalent sets of nitrate groups. Assignments have been aided by the use of 18O enriched nitrates.

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