
Crystals of hydrated europium bromate were grown and magnetic susceptibilities measured from room down to liquid oxygen temperatures. The effective magnetic moment peff is found todecrease with decreasing temperature indicating a Van Vleck high temperature contribution. The magnetic anisotropy Δχ=χ‖−χ⊥ is negative and appreciable. The magnetic susceptibilities χ‖; and χ⊥ parallel and perpendicular to c-axis, respectively, rise slowly with decreasing temperature, and around 115 K χ⊥ becomes nearly constant while χ‖ decrease slightly; this is quite in contrast to the behavior of other rare earth bromates. A crystal field conforming to D3h symmetry provided a satisfactory explanation to the observed magnetic behavior. The crystal field parameters used are B20=175, B40=−304, B60=−864 and B66=910 all in cm−1. The Schottky heat capacity Cs does not display any anomaly and vanishes below 50 K. Nuclear quadrupole and magnetic hyperfine splitting due to the crystal field has been worked out. The hyperfine heat capacity for both isotopes shows Schottky anomaly below 2 mK.

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