
Raloxifene hydrochloride (HCl) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator with estrogen agonist effects on bone and lipid metabolism and estrogen antagonist effects on reproductive tissues. Animal studies suggest that raloxifene may affect brain function as well, although the effects of raloxifene on the human brain remain to be established. This paper presents an early safety assessment of raloxifene effects on cognition and mood in postmenopausal women participating in a randomized, double-blind osteoporosis treatment trial. Psychometric test batteries were administered to postmenopausal women at baseline and 1, 6, and 12 months after initiating treatment with raloxifene (60 and 120 mg/day). The Memory Assessment Clinics (MAC) battery and Walter Reed Performance Assessment Battery (PAB) were used to assess multiple and independent aspects of cognitive function, while mood was assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). After 12 months of treatment, there were no significant differences between the raloxifene groups and placebo on performance in either the MAC battery or the PAB. The only significant difference observed was a slight increase in performance favoring the raloxifene 120 mg/day group in an assessment of verbal memory on the MAC battery after 1 month of treatment. Scores on the GDS and the self-reported incidence of mood-related events were not different between treatment groups at any of the assessment periods. These data do not suggest that raloxifene impairs cognition or affects mood in postmenopausal women treated for 1 year. Studies to further assess the safety and potential efficacy of raloxifene with respect to cognitive function are ongoing.

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