
The article is devoted to the effectiveness of the use of local lore material in mountainousterrain schools to improve student achievement in the development of their cognitive interest. Inparticular, the analysis of the role of the school in the development of Ukrainian Carpathianmountain areas of education and younger generation training. Attention is drawn to the fact thatduring the organization of the educational process in schools of mountainous terrain ,we are totake into consideration rather high level of spirituality of Highlanders, their love for their land ,traditions and customs. Therefore, during the lessons of social and humanitarian course the teacheris to use local history material that will provide development of students cognitive interest. Theauthors in the experimental studies process demonstrated that the organization of learning thehistory of Ukraine in the 5th grade should be directed to the development of cognitive interest inhistory. So, the children in the 5th grade will not have to study the whole history. They are to beprepared to gradually assimilate to it according to the curriculum. A critical factor in successfullearning is to form cognitive interest. To make the learning process easier and more interesting theteacher must offer his/her students the curriculum material which they would not only feel, butalso easily understand. The students must realize that it's not about teaching something/someoneunknown, but about themselves, their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, family, region,country. Therefore, the initial training should dominate local history material, allowing thedevelopment of cognitive interest in history, lay the foundations of historical knowledge andprovide increasing levels of students’ achievements. This is ensured by a parallel study of thehistory of the native land. The authors defined teaching and learning requirements for local lorematerial to be used in the process of study and presented their own examples .

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