
A road hump, or speed hump, is a traffic calming device used to reduce vehicle speed and volume on residential streets. Road humps are placed across the road to slow traffic and are often installed in a series of several humps in order to prevent cars from speeding before and after the hump. Speed humps are used in locations where very low speeds are desired and reasonable. Speed humps are typically placed on residential roads and are not used on major roads, bus routes, or primary emergency response routes. In Italy, the road humps are often built in the shape of raised crosswalks, or RCWs, and they are generally placed both close and between intersections. This paper deals with the analysis of observed data on a large sample of RCWs located in Tuscany, central Italy. Such data were referred both to geometry characteristics of the single raised crosswalk and recorded differences in vehicle speeds before and after it. Speed data were gathered using two automatic radar-recorders for each one of the sampled raised crosswalks. All the collected data were analyzed through statistical tests in order to assess their homogeneity or not between different locations and various types of roads. Finally, we were able to make some conclusions and highlight design aspects. On one side, RCWs with similar geometries and higher heights (about 15 cm) have similar effects on vehicle speed lowering, regardless of local conditions (location, road geometry, driver behaviour, etc.). Moreover, raised crosswalks installed in a series have a stronger efficacy than the isolated ones. On the opposite side, the effects of raised crosswalks with smaller heights (less than 6 cm) show clearly a very low influence on vehicle speed variations.

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