
“Raise more Food” is the leading war slogan of the hour. Poultry and eggs in enormous quantities are needed overseas for civilian as well as soldier. In treating “gassed” soldiers, poultry and eggs become indispensable because raw eggs, poultry and fish are almost the only forms of nourishment they can keep on their stomachs for many weeks. And “gassing” is becoming more devilishly and ingeniously employed with every new month that slips away into the sewer of time.Every man and woman raising poultry today should exert every effort not only to raise as large flocks as can profitably be cared for but also to so cull, breed, feed and manage the flock as to increase both the gross production and the productive ability per fowl.If we agree that increased poultry production is a vital part of the great and urgent need for increased food production of every kind…

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