
This study provides new 222Rn measurements performed by RAD7 on 31 thermal waters from the Campi Flegrei caldera, the active volcanic-geothermal field close to Naples (Southern Italy). Waters sampled between 2021 and 2023 are characterized for physical parameters, major ions geochemistry and radium content. Rn contents from Somma-Vesuvius, Ischia and Vulcano volcanoes, together with the river plain north to the Campi Flegrei, were obtained for comparison. The Campi Flegrei caldera reaches the highest Rn concentrations respect to the other sites, varying from 0.03 ± 0.02 to ca. 1887 ± 13 Bq/L, although mostly are below 60 Bq/L. We detect a steady-state condition of constant temperature, facies and radon activity that characterizes most sites, with only minor impacts from seasonalilty and Weigel's effects. Just a small fraction of 222Rn derives from its 226Ra parent in solution, while radon activity in local waters is mainly due to emanation from the radium-containing rock reservoir. Our dataset proofs that radon couples with temperature, sulfate and CO2 in relations to rock-leaching and pore-water phenomena that proceed in the reservoir as it warms up and degasses. Rn and CO2 are decoupled in deeply and timely equilibrated geothermal fluids.Two main end-members, i.e., a low radioactive cold diluted and the Rn-richest hypersaline water from the deep geothermal reservoir are recognized; seawater contamination and heating over 70 °C play a major role in radon decrease.Related radium contents, physical parameters and major ions geochemistry are also presented for a comparison with published data.

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