
With the development of digital labour platforms, new forms of work were established. Determining their legal nature, due to the specificity of the relationships that they constitute of, is not an easy task. This situation has led to legal uncertainty regarding the labour law position of platform workers, which has opened opportunities for abuse of their rights, especially in the form of denial of basic labour and social rights they should be entitled to. In the article, we will try to determine the labour law position of platform workers in the Republic of Serbia, and whether it is necessary to change the existing legislation in order to adequately regulate this issue. To this end, law, and by-law solutions in force in our country will be analysed and critically reviewed, while some of the solutions present in foreign legal systems, as well as concepts afrmed in literature, will be illuminated by applying the comparative method. In the fnal part of the article, the general direction of changes related to regulating the labour law position of platform workers will be offered.

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