
The subject of research of this master thesis is to examine the work ethic of employees in Novi Pazar. The first part of the paper describes work ethic and understanding of work ethic through different time periods. Earlier research dealing with work ethic is also listed. The second part of the paper presents the empirical aspect of the research. Focus groups are the method used for the purposes of this research, and four focus groups were conducted, two in the public sector (focus groups of managers and focus groups of workers in production), and two in the private sector (also focus groups of managers and focus groups of workers in production). Very good cooperation of participants was noted in all focus groups. The results of the research showed which values of work ethic are possessed or not possessed by employees. The most pronounced values that the respondents emphasize as the characteristics of workers with highly developed work ethic are: accuracy, responsibility, precision, high self-confidence, assertive communication and good interpersonal relationships. The characteristics of workers who have a low-developed work ethic are the opposite of the previously mentioned and they are: delays, frequent mistakes in work, low self-confidence and poor interpersonal relationships. It was also shown that there are no significant differences in the values of work ethic among employees in the private and public sector, regardless of what function they perform in the organization. The answers of private and public sector respondents, managers and managers for each question processed in focus groups were compared.

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