
To conduct a comprehensive narrative review of the evidence for radiotherapy target volumes to the neck, after neck dissection, for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma from an unknown primary (HNSCCUP). Inclusion or exclusion of mucosal irradiation is not the focus of interest for this review article. Literature (PubMed-Medline, EMBASE database and Cochrane library) was searched using the relevant keywords. The search results were limited to the studies published in year 2000 or after. Eight studies met the inclusion criteria. All studies were retrospective in nature. The incidence of contralateral recurrence rates in the untreated neck when the involved neck only is treated remains very low (0%-10%). Survival has improved over the past two decades, most likely due to improved diagnostic techniques and the increase in incidence of HPV-related disease. Given the rarity of disease, level one evidence from randomised controlled trials is lacking. Available data are retrospective but support unilateral post-operative radiotherapy as a treatment option in selected cases.

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