
The review is devoted to the application of the new perspective class of radionuclide tracers, based on inhibitors of the fibroblast activation protein (FAP), which is a marker of cancer-associated fibroblasts of microenvironment of most malignant tumors. FAP inhibitors (FAPI) can be labeled by a wide spectrum of radionuclides, which can provide both radionuclide diagnostics and radionuclide therapy. It was showed, that the diagnostic efficacy of FAPI positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) in various cancers is similar to 18F-fluorodesoxyglu-cose-PET/CT or superior. The FAPI radiopharmaceuticals (RP) have some advantage compared to 18F-fluorodesoxy-glucose (FDG): no need for special preparation and diet, fast imaging with high contrast, and increased sensitivity in region with high glucose metabolism. FAPI-PET/CT may be an important addition to conventional methods in all stages of diagnostic process in oncology, especially when 18F-FDG cannot be used. It is need to further wide prospective investigations for assessing of diagnostic efficacy of FAPI-RP and determination of indications for its using.

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