
A 41-year-old female presented to emergency with complaints of recurrent vomiting, pain abdomen since last 24 hours. She is known case of diabetes, non-compliant to her medication. On examination, she was confused, GCS 11/15, and vitals were pulse rate 102/min, blood pressure 130/70 mmHg, respiratory rate 26/min, and random blood sugar 439 mg/dl. Arterial blood gas revealed pH 7.389, and urine routine revealed glucose 2 plus, ketone 1 plus. She was managed with intravenous fluids, insulin infusion, and other supportive measures. HbA1c was 12.4. X ray abdomen erect and supine were done which revealed two well defined oval radioopacities largest measuring 1.6 x 1.3 cm is noted in anticipated region of gall bladder fossa? calculi. USG whole abdomen confirmed cholelithiasis.

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