
AbstractThe specific activity of natural gamma emitters like actinium (228Ac), bismuth (212Bi,214Bi), lead (212Pb,214Pb), potassium (40K), radium (224Ra), thallium (208Tl) and artificial radioisotope caesium (137Cs) was measured in 2005 in the surface layer of marine sediments in the northern Svalbard: Wijdefjorden, Woodfjorden, Vestfjorden and Bockfjorden as well as in the freshwater reservoirs in Andre Land. Nonuniform spatial distribution of these radionuclides was found. Sediment sample from Bockfjorden had the highest specific activities of all natural radionuclides. The specific radioactivity of137Cs was much lower than specific radioactivities of natural radionuclides but there were differences between investigated locations. The distribution of137Cs is similar to persistent organic pollutants of the lake sediments in the area.

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