
The gamma radiolysis of aqueous nitric acid has been investigated in presence of sulphanilamide (SA) as a function of dose, and of nitric acid and SA concentrations. Both G(HNO 2) and G(H 2O 2) values were determined at different concentrations of nitric acid in the presence of 0·02 mol dm −3 SA. It has been shown that SA reacts with OH radicals and with hydrated electrons [ k( e aq -+SA) = 3·5 × 10 9 dm 3 mol −1 s −1] without affecting G(HNO 2) in the present system. The G(HNO 2) value increases with increase of nitric acid concentration up to 8 mol dm −3, whereas G(H 2O 2) remains nearly unaffected. The results are discussed. Изvчaлcя paдиoлиз Boдныч pacтBopoB aзoтнoй киcлoты B пrcy;иcvтcтBии cvльфaнилaмидa (CA) B зaBиcимocти oт дoзы и кoнцeнтpaции aзoтнoй киcлoты и CA. Beличины BычoдoB G(HNO 2) и G(H 2O 2) были oпpeдeлeны для paзличныч кoнцeнтpaций aзoтнoй киcлoты B пpиcvтcтBии 0,2 мoл/дм 3 ca. Былo пoкaзaнo, тo ca peaгиpveт c oH· paдиkcy;aлaми и гилpaтиpoBaнными элeктpoнми [ k( e aq -+ca)=3,5·10 9 дм 3 мoл −1 ceк −1], нeC Bлияя нa Bычoд G(HNO 2) B дaннoй cиcтeмe. Beличинa G(HNO 2) Boзpacтapт c кoHцeнтpaциeй aзoтнoй киcлoты дo 8 мoл/дм 3, B тo Bpeмя кaк G(H 2O 2) ocтeтscy;я пoчтн нeизмeнням. Пoлvчeнныe peзvльтaты oбcvждaютcя.

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