
I should not have to think long if I were asked to name the specialty which had rendered the most valuable service to all of the different branches of medicine. I should unhesitatingly name radiology. No other branch of medicine has such a widespread application and none other has made such wonderful strides within the last few years as it has. Its daily use by all branches of medicine is well known to us all, and we neuropsychiatrists in particular appreciate its helpfulness in the practice of our specialty. At times diagnoses are made with the roentgen ray which are almost uncanny, and we often ask the question: By what method does the radiologist find out the hidden secrets within the human body? While the neuropsychiatrists appreciate the importance of laboratory and roentgenologic examination, these alone would not be sufficient in all cases to correctly diagnose and treat all diseases of the nervous system, but the correlation of the laboratory findings along with an efficient and thorough neurologi...

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