
The oil and gas industries are the largest producers of NORM wastes that are continuously generated during production and extraction activities. In addition, an increasing trend is observed in waste production worldwide due to the decommissioning of oil platforms. The problem is that most of these wastes are in activity concentration levels above the exemption and the clearance limits and are being accumulated in storage sites because no repositories exist in Brazil for NORM wastes generated by oil industries. There are regulations for radioactive wastes and for the licensing of repositories for managing wastes with low and intermediate levels of radiation but the current regulations apply only to packaged wastes. Therefore an initial radiological assessment was carried out with the RESRAD-OFFSITE code to show that bulk NORM wastes (not packaged wastes) could be disposed of in repositories near the surface without causing additional risk to the public above the criteria used. The results can also support decision-making by the Regulatory Authority to change the current regulations and allow for the disposal of wastes in bulk form.

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