
Numerous conditions, from acute to chronic renal changes, have the potential to alter the renal size on radiographs. However, current literature does not provide any radiographic reference range for the normal renal size in the serval (Leptailurus serval). This retrospective study includes 13 healthy adult servals, seen between 2004 and 2017 at the UTCVM Veterinary Medical Center, deemed healthy based on physical examination and blood work. Orthogonal radiographs were anonymized, calibrated, and evaluated blindly by three observers of different experience levels. Renal and individual lumbar vertebral body lengths were measured on both orthogonal views, and ratios of kidney length to each lumbar vertebral length were calculated on both views. On the ventro-dorsal projection, the kidney length to L5 vertebra ratio had the lowest standard deviation (SD) with a mean of 1.82, SD of 0.27, and 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.63-2.00). On the lateral view, the kidney length to L3 vertebra ratio had the lowest SD with a mean of 2.03, SD of 0.25, and 95% CI(1.86-2.20). Statistically, all three observers were shown to be in agreement, indicating reproducibility of the measurements among observers with different levels of expertise.

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