
Radiologic findings are described in 20 horses with clinical signs of a caudal lumbar or hindlimb problem; the horses were subjected to linear tomography of the lumbosacral and pelvic regions. The cases could be divided into four groups: sacroiliac arthrosis (6 horses), lumbosacral abnormalities (3 horses), pelvic or lumbar fracture (6 horses), and no radiographic abnormalities (5 horses). Five of the six horses with sacroiliac arthrosis had spur formation, with localized arthrosis at the caudal aspect of the sacral wing and its articulation with the auricular surface of the ilium. In one horse these lesions were confirmed at postmortem examination. The sixth horse, a Standardbred trotter, had more even and widespread arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint. The three lumbosacral abnormalities were present in two horses with fusion of the L5‐L6 articulation and one horse with a wider than normal sacrolumbar articulation. Linear tomography also proved to be of diagnostic and prognostic value in the evaluation of lumbar and pelvic fractures. Finally, tomography could be used to eliminate the presence of sacroiliac or lumbosacral damage in some horses that presented with clinical signs suggestive of disease of the lumbosacral or sacroiliac region.

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