
The article provides the results of the estimation of 14C nuclide generation and release from the systems and structures of RBMK-1500 reactors operated at Ignalina NPP. The main circulation circuit and gaseous circuit of this type of reactor are the primary sources of 14C generation and airborne release, evaluated to be 0.491 and 0.367 TBq per one calendar year (10.5 months of effective reactor operation at 1350 MWe power), respectively. The analysis of the operation specifics of these systems showed that they don’t provide an effective barrier to contain 14C due to the 14CO2 chemical form of radiocarbon in RBMK reactors, i.e., 100% release (0.858 TBq/year) have been evaluated available for atmospheric release. These results have been compared with the atmospheric releases evaluated from the 14C activity concentration measured in Scots pine tree (Pinus Sylvestris L.) ring samples by single stage accelerator mass spectrometer (SSAMS, NEC, USA) at Vilnius Radiocarbon facility, resulting to airborne release value of 1 TBq/year for one RBMK-1500 reactor. Slightly higher value reproduced from the tree ring samples indicates that the reactor graphite stack might be also a source of 14C releases of about 0.14–0.24 TBq/year. Based on similar design features the results of the study can be easily projected to the RBMK-1000 reactors rescaling 14C source term according to the lower reactor power.

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