
The two loess-paleosol sequences of Villánykövesd and Máza preserved specific paleoecological information of the Late Pleistocene environmental conditions in SW-Hungary. For malacological examinations, sampling of 12 cm intervals were used; homogenous amounts of sediment (ca. 5 kg) were collected. During the malacological examinations, more than 27,000 specimens were identified. Interpreting their environmental and climatic demands the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of the last 80,000 years could be reconstructed. The results of the malacological investigations of Villánykövesd sequence indicated 5 malacological zones (MZs) by the snail species’ dominant occurrence. All of the 5 MZs indicate mild climatic conditions with only one cooling phase. The mild climatic conditions were reconstructed by the high dominance of thermophilous species, especially Pupilla triplicata. This warmth loving, xerophilous and open vegetation preferring species is present in the entire sequence, which indicates a refuge area of P. triplicata around Villánykövesd. At the Máza sequence, 9 MZs could be allocated with mainly dominance of cold resistant species, indicating cooler climatic conditions than at Villánykövesd. The reason of the high ratio of cold resistant species and the high number of MZs could be the geographic exposition of the Máza sequence. The Máza sequence is located in a bench between higher and lower reliefs on the northern pediment area of Mecsek Mountains. This indicates the presence of a fluctuation zone for the snail species in the area of Máza sequence. The Late Pleistocene sequences possess different climatic and environmental conditions during same timeframe, therefore we highlight that the previously reconstructed mosaic-like environmental patters in the Carpathian Basin are real properties in the region.

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