
The activity concentrations of 40K, 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 137Cs were measured using the gamma spectrometric method in different food chain samples from the area of the City of Belgrade during the periods May-June 2007 and May-June 2008. Relatively high activities of 40K and 137Cs were detected in the soil. These results indicate that 137Cs is present in the area of Belgrade even 20 years after the nuclear accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. However, in the samples of feedstuffs, animal products and bio indicators (meat of wild animals and fish), activity concentrations of primordial radionuclides and 137Cs were low and below the detection limits. The results of these trials have shown that investigated animal products from the natural environment around Belgrade are radioactivity safe.


  • Radioaktivna kontaminacijaivotne sredine Srbije sa antropogenim radionuklidima desila se nakon nuklearnog incidenta u ^ernobilju, Ukrajina (1986)

  • The results of these trials have shown that investigated animal products from the natural environment

  • eskim metodom v razli

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Gordana Vitorovi}, Branislava Mitrovi}, Svetlana Grdovi}, B. Aktivnost 40K, 238U, 226Ra, 232Th i 137Cs merena je gamaspektrometrijskom metodom u razli~itim uzorcima hrane iz lanca ishrane u okolini Beograda tokom maja i juna 2007. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da se 137 Cs moe na}i uivotnoj sredini Beograda ~ak i 20 godina nakon nuklearnog incidenta u ^ernobilju. Vet. glasnik 64 (5-6) 385 - 392 (2010) Gordana Vitorovi} i sar.: Radioaktivnost namirnica na podru~ju grada Beograda stvaranje radioaktivnog otpada doprinose pove}enju prirodne radioaktivnosti (Bikit i sar., 2005; Panteli} i sar., 2004; Pietrzak-Flis i sar., 2001). Cilj ovog rada bio je da se kroz radiolo{ki monitoring lanca ishrane odredi udeo prirodnih i proizvedenih radionuklida (40K, 238U, 226Ra, 232Th i 137Cs) na 9 lokaliteta, odnosno na 6 beogradskih prigradskih op{tina u kojima se proizvodi hrana, koja se svakodnevno koristi za ishranu stanovni{tva Beograda. Lokaliteti u prigradskim op{tinama Beograda na kojima su sakupljeni uzorci /

SO Barajevo
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