
The activity concentration levels of 232Th, 238U, 40K and 137Cs in drinking water of different locations of Bangladesh were measured by using a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The average activity levels with one standard deviation (1σ) of 232Th, 238U and 40K were found to be 250±52mBq/L-1, 157±30mBq/L-1 and 9±3Bq/L-1, respectively. The 137Cs was detected only in 32% samples with an average 4±0.8Bq/L-1. A good correlation between the activities of 232Th and 238U was found. The radium equivalent activity (Raeq) and the representative level index (Iγr) due to natural radionuclides were also calculated. The average Raeq was found to be 1, 212±303mBq/L-1 and the average Iγr was found to be 10±3mBq/L-1. The annual individual committed effective dose (HE) due to intake of radionuclides in water was also evaluated and the average value was found to be 74±21μSv. The distribution of radionuclides was found to be normal except 137Cs. The radioactivity levels of these radionuclides were comparable to the corresponding reported values of drinking water of different countries. The results presented in this study may helpful in establishing a regulatory limit on radioactivity in drinking water in Bangladesh.

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