
Previous reports have shown that radioactive microspheres may be used to obtain quantiative measurements of regional tissue blood flow in a number of species. The present work has shown that this also applies to the conscious sheep, and further, that microspheres provide a simple, accurate and reliable method for the routine measurement of cardiac output. Assessment of blood flow through arteriovenous anastomoses is also described. Duplicate measurements of blood flow to the tissues listed below, had a mean difference of 7.2%. Normal values for blood flow to the following tissues were determined for thirteen adult and three 8-week old Merino sheep under resting conditions in a thermoneutral environment: skin of the body and extremities, panniculus muscle, maxillo turbinals, nasal mucosa, tongue, skeletal muscle, lymph nodes, thyroids, heart, adrenals, kidneys, spleen, rumen, small and large intestine, liver (arterial), pituitary (arterial), brain and spinal cord.

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