
This article discusses the most significant sources of large-scale radioactive contamination to which the Arctic has been exposed since the middle of the last century, which are identified as 1) radioactive fallout and deposition from nuclear weapon testing; 2) plum waste from the Sellafield radiochemical plant (United Kingdom) and Cap de la Ag (France) nuclear fleet operation; 3) radioisotope thermoelectric generators; and 4) submerged and sunken radioactive objects. The article assesses the comparative contribution and associated radioecological risks of these sources, and special attention is focused on the “nuclear legacy” of the USSR/Russian nuclear fleet and the search for solutions. The article describes the content and implementation results of the “Development of a Strategic Master Plan for Disposition of Decommissioned Russian Nuclear-Powered Fleet and Rehabilitation of Hazardously Radioactive Sites and Facilities of Its Support Infrastructure” which was developed with broad international cooperation. Attention is drawn to remaining environmental problems associated with submerged and sunken objects that contain spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in the Arctic, and the article presents generalized data on such objects and associated risks of water contamination as identified by analyses of model studies of possible accident consequences.

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